
2011: The PostAday Challenge

January 16, 2011

I’m boarding the WordPress PostAday bus! Well, actually, it will be the WordPress PostAweek bus. But let’s not quibble about the schedule; after all, time is relative.

Old green London Routemaster bus

ALL ABOARRRD! Stop smoking at the back...

Dear reader, you may be wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Put simply, I’m taking on the challenge set by WordPress to make and publish one post a week from now until December 31st. With crazy schedules, life interruptus and the occasional writer’s block (oh, how pretentious), this will be the discipline I need to be a more regular blogger. If I manage to pop out two or more in a week, you’ll have more stuff and nonsense to enjoy from this writer – you lucky people.

I’m starting this week – wish me luck!


  1. Wishing you Luck! (Done!!!) Staring carrying around a tiny notebook and jot down things that you see and hear that interest you, use this as the tinder for your creative match and hey presto, no more writers block!
    So… regular slices of light, buttery, flackey melt in your mouth, make you smile, delicious, delectable Pie… all I can add is “Yum!”

    • Thanks, Kiwi. I have kept your post with tips on how to keep blogging regularly, so I will look on it from time to time. I have a little notebook at home, but when I’m out and about I usually write stuff on scraps of paper if there is one to hand. I will get a little notebook so I have a proper place to put my ideas.

  2. Good Luck. A great discipline as there will always be something to write about once a week. Just go out armed with a little writing pad, jot the odd thing you observe that you could write about.

    You will be surprised to find that you will have something to write each week. Just a case of observing your environment and the news each day.

    • I feel I have something to write about every day, especially events in the news. My problem is getting to write about it, then posting it before the time ‘expires’. I would’ve written about Raoul Moat, the Chilean miners and so many other things, but I just couldn’t make the time to write and then publish. I guess I need to learn to write faster!

      • You will have to do what many writers do and allocate a certain time of the day where you have to write and use that as your regular slot.

        Good Luck with the discipline.

        • Thanks, sweet. I’ll get onto it!

  3. Good luck! And long time no see!

    I am afraid I have been remiss in both my duty as a blogger for a while now. I enjoy reading your blog however and do pop in occasionally for my own reading pleasure.

    Anyway, in case you were wondering, the reason why I haven’t been blogging and why my book did not materialize over Christmas as promised is because I got suckered into another writing project.

    • Hello, Mallcop. I wondered where you went.

      I think it’s good news that you have found another place to showcase your writings. I’m sure you will get back to your blog and your book when the time is right. Nice to see you again.

  4. I think that the PostADay and PostAWeek challenges are a great idea to motivate bloggers, but I won’t be boarding the bandwagon on this one, even though I typically post at least once a week anyway. Usually, when I have an obligation to do something (even if I do it anyway), I get all nervous and worried that I won’t be able to do it, and in the process ruin the whole darn thing.

    • Sounds like you don’t need the incentive, Allegra. I do understand what you mean about how the obligation to do something can add pressure you don’t need, which kills the creativity. I have no intention of feeling obliged, but I do know I will benefit from a little discipline and I do like the challenge. Even if I think I’ll fail, I’m willing to give it a go. I’ve already posted something for my postaweek this week. I hope to continue in this vein.

  5. One a week should be no problem for a writer as amusing and enjoyable to read as you are. Less would be something up with which I shall not put!

    • Thanks for the compliment, sir. I’ll do my best to not let you down.

  6. […] 2011: The PostAday Challenge (pienbiscuits.wordpress.com) […]

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