Posts Tagged ‘travel’


Snow. Bringing Britain To Its Knees – Again

December 2, 2010

We’re a hardy lot, us Brits. We survived the Blitz, we were defiant in the face of IRA bombings, we have set our faces against more recent terrorist actions and on Monday, here in London, we forged ahead against the obstacle of the tube strike, the fourth in three months. But something happened on Tuesday. It snowed. And despite knowing of it’s impending arrival a week ago and councils plus other authorities boasting about their grit mountains and their preparations, trains were knackered, roads were gridlocked and people found their 40 minute journey home taking a millennia. This scenario is becoming as regular as, well, Christmas.

sea of ice cubes ice blue colour

Cold enough for you?

There’s more…


Happy New Year (Again)

January 3, 2010

Happy new year!

Now we’re three days in, were the first few hours, as you celebrated the start of 2010 a moment leaving you fit to burst with joy, or a moment you’d rather forget? Mine I would say was ‘interesting.’ There’s more…