Posts Tagged ‘celebrate’


Happy New Year! What… Again?

December 31, 2010

The older you get, the more it feels like Groundhog day, but we’ll all do this again, because we really want the next year to be brilliant, particularly if the last year was an absolute stinker. We’re an inherently optimistic lot, us human beings. Even the cynical amongst us have a little spark deep inside trying to ignite optimism at this time of year. With this in mind, the Pie who is Officially Old™ and therefore more than qualified to be a miserable old git, wishes a great 2011 for everyone. Man, beast, and even Piers Morgan.

Happy New Year!

Fireworks and champagne. Happy new year!


Happy Birthday! Pie And Biscuits Is One Year Old Today

July 15, 2010

Yes, Pie and Biscuits is one year old today. The time has gone so quickly. It was a tentative Pie that started this blog on the 15th July, because I wasn’t sure if:

1. I could keep it up.
2. I’d be able to write as freely as I did to my friends on my email list, because I was aware this was going out on t’internet, and therefore the world.
3. Anyone outside of my personal group would be interested in my wittering anyway. There’s more…


A Birthday Story

December 19, 2009

It was my birthday last week.

I’ve always celebrated my birthday in a big way. I try to make it last at least a week and if I can stretch it to two, even better. There are many people who see it as just another day, or would rather forget about it, but I see it differently. To me, it’s the most important day of your life because it declares your arrival on this Earth. It’s a cause for celebration because you’ve managed to make it to another year and of course, other than the day you were born, it’s the one day of the year where others wish you well and you’re the centre of attention, a great ego boost you have to agree. There’s more…